Music from the Templars!

I’m sorry that you can’t buy this from Amazon, from what I can tell, but Presto Classical has this wonderful CD that is certainly worth grabbing: The Dedication of the Temple, Music from the Templars’ Jerusalem Breviary. The director and lead singer is Jeremy White and the group is the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, as formed and directed for years by the great Mary Berry.

The recording is the fulfillment of a project that Berry had in mind in her last years, so this recording is dedicated to her memory. The book in question is the actual Breviary of the Knights, dated from 1240. It follows very closely what Roman Catholics are used to hearing but with a special spirit and approach that is very appealing.

The order of liturgy chosen for this presentation is the Dedication of the Temple. It begins with a striking piece of organum and the moves to Gregorian chant sung by an all male schola (obviously for the Templars). There are people who regard chant as mood music for chilling out, but this performance sets that impression straight. Here we have the knights of legend at prayer. There is no mistaking the culture of the group.

As the liner notes remind us, this legendary order was not only military but also profoundly religious. David Hiley, who worked closely with Berry, writes the liner notes. This is not only an artistic triumph but also a scholarly one as well, the fulfillment of dream to unite history and performance art in one wonderful package. It is a grant success in every way.

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