The Bishops of the English-speaking world cooperated on producing an interactive DVD to educate people on the New Missal (3rd edition): “Become One Body One Spirit in Christ.” It has been many years in the making.The idea is to avoid the great calamity of 1969/70 in which a new and dramatically changed Missal was suddenly foisted on the whole world, emptying parishes and smashing the ritual relationship people had with the faith for centuries.
This time, they are taking no chances. I’ve heard that a total of $500,000 was spent on this DVD’s production. There is a full website devoted to it. It’s been shown to at least one live audience. ICEL continues to talk about it. There is a youtube promotional available since April (231 views).
However, I can’t seem to find anywhere to actually buy this DVD. The USCCB lists it as backordered. The UK talks about it as if it is not ready. I can’t figure out the South African site (lots of stuff but no store). The New Zealand site is down. Maybe it’s my eyes but I see nothing about it in Canada. Australia doesn’t allow international orders. I guess no one thought to make it available on Amazon.
Do I have to buy it from Ireland, which seems to be the only source?
Another puzzle: when are we to start using the new translation in England and Wales?
Well, with less than 300 views of the promotional YouTube I can see that folks are thirsting for this. A six-minute trailer is about three minutes too long. Who's the target audience for the DVD? Anxious clerics? People without a cable TV or Netflix?
When I thought I was going to be excited about prayers from antiquity, the commentator reassured me that there would be many of the same prayers we'd been saying since the Second Vatican Council.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for the new translation. I'll take improvement where it's offered. But this advertisement didn't give me confidence about the sales approach.
I'm not sure where they're getting them, but copies are available on Amazon. I bought one already and another seems to be available: Amazon