Chant in Allentown

The Diocesan newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania, offers an absolutely thrilling write up of a Gregorian chant conference that just took place in the Cathedral, complete with interviews and images with lots of young people singing and singing. This is really tip top and I urge you to click through and read the whole thing.

Congratulations to Michael and Julia Six who made this happen!

(Normally I would post the images and offer some specifics from the text, but whoever created this PDF set the security settings as high as possible, thereby making it difficult for people to actually quote and publicize the piece. Yes, I could use a PDF cracker and bust it open in about 5 minutes but I won’t do that here; instead let me just offer this plead to webmasters to stop with this nonsense and open up your great stuff to the world.)

2 Replies to “Chant in Allentown”

  1. Excellent reference.

    This should read "The Diocesan newspaper…" as Allentown is a Suffragan See, under the Metropolitan of Philadelphia (Archbishop).

  2. there is a Diocese nearby, Erie, in which there must have been angry gnashing of teeth in the Chancery!

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