Training day on the revised missal at Westminster Cathedral on 29th Jan

Westminster Cathedral Music Training Day: Understanding, Discussing and Singing the Revised Missal Translation

Westminster Cathedral Hall
Ambrosden Avenue

10.30 – 3.30pm
Directed by: Martin Baker, Fr Alexander Master, Frances Novillo, Anita Morrison and Chris Castell

Fee £10

Places are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Contact the Music Administrator to register:
020 7798 9057

This is the second in a series of Diocesan Music Training Days, aimed at singers of all levels, with a particular emphasis on preparation for the introduction of the new translation of the Missal and its music.

A note from Bishop Alan Hopes:
Whenever we celebrate Mass we are invited to participate by singing the texts of the Mass not by just singing at Mass. As we look forward to the forthcoming new translation of the Missal one of the key ways we can prepare is by reflecting on our parish liturgies and in particular the music we sing. Singing the new translation will be an important way of introducing the text to the people. I hope this day will provide people an opportunity to begin to prepare themselves for this vital task.

+ Alan Hopes.

12 Replies to “Training day on the revised missal at Westminster Cathedral on 29th Jan”

  1. In Toronto, not one thing has been said. Nothing printed, nothing published. I think Canada's bishops are simply choosing not to implement the new Missal.

  2. In Toronto, not one thing has been said. Nothing printed, nothing published. I think Canada's bishops are simply choosing not to implement the new Missal.
    If you're right about Canada's bishops, God bless them all. What a pity the UK and US hierarchy didn't do the same.

    I think there will be a rebellious conspiracy by a number of priests and bishops with widespread disobedience. I know of some pastors who intend to use the 1997 collects and the 2008 propers. With full approval from the bishop who will dutifully report to Rome, "everything is fine here, just a few mice stuck in the organ pipes".

  3. Anon…

    Really? Do you really think this? I think it's more likely that they are just of the opinion that the "Big Preparation" effort is more than what is really needed. Sure there will be a few renegades… the Age of Aquarius still lives on in the minds of some. But by and large, I think that the most likely reaction will be to begin working on it in September or October, buy the Missals and get to work on the First Sunday of Advent.

  4. Anon, I guess you are one of those types who thinks the Liturgy is "all about me, me, me, me" rather than worship of the Lord. I doubt there will be widespread disobedience since those most likely to disobey are nursing home material at this point. It is a mortal sin for a priest to deliberately change the texts and it is expressly forbidden by Vatican II in Sacrosanctum Concilium.

  5. When our Diocese in Arizona held a study session for the priests here some flat out refused to attend and stated that they would not be using the new missal. Period. End of story. They weren't going to waste their time.

    PS. They are NOT ready for the nursing home for another 10 to 15 years. So, there are still plenty of rebels.

  6. Anon @ 10:28,

    What you're telling us is what we already know that priests in the 60s and 70s are the problem. Any time I see a priest in his 20s,30s or 40s celebrate Mass they 99.9% of the time follow the texts and rubrics to the letter. These same men will be there to implement the new translations and will use them and they will be around long enough to ensure their ultimate success. These over-grown juvenile delinquents, won't be for long (10 or 15 years in the life of the Church is a nano-second).

    Our Archbishop has already announced that priests in a parish setting that don't use the new translations will be removed from their posts. These guys you're talking about are probably huffing and puffing but most will ultimately conform. They should remember, the Mass is not about THEM. They are committing an injustice against the People of God by depriving them of the Liturgy the Church requires. In the vernacular, they're jerks.

  7. Anon @ 10:28

    This is sad/alarming to me as a fellow Arizonan. I'll have to be sure to avoid those churches. Would it be out of line to share who refused (or what parish they serve)?

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