Current and Forthcoming: 6th Week in Ordinary Time


God our Father,
you have promised to remain forever
with those who do what is just and right.
Help us to live in your presence.

O God, who teach us that you abide
in hearts that are just and true,
grant that we may be so fashioned by your grace
as to become a dwelling pleasing to you.


Lord, you give us food from heaven.
May we always hunger
for the bread of life.

Having fed upon these heavenly delights,
we pray, O Lord,
so that we may always long
for that food by which we truly live.

5 Replies to “Current and Forthcoming: 6th Week in Ordinary Time”

  1. Was just directed here from another blog.

    Surely the "so" is a typo in the original?

    A publisher friend tells me they have just plowed their way through a second batch of errata …..

  2. Jeffrey: Would if be possible for you to include the Latin as you continue this series (which I quite enjoy)?

    Deus, qui te in rectis et sinceris manere pectoribus asseris, da nobis tua gratia tales exsistere, in quibus habitare digneris.

    Caelestibus, Domine, pasti deliciis, quaesumus, ut semper eadem, per quae veraciter vivimus, appetamus.

    Only by looking at the Latin can we really evaluate the "so that." In English, after all, it's grammatically correct, and "I pray, so that X might happen" (e.g., "I pray, so that people will think me religious") is a perfectly understandable, if unlikely, form. But if that were what the Latin meant, we would have to expect "oramus" rather than "quaesumus."

    I'm sure they'll fix this, if they haven't already.

  3. While we're at it, the Latin appetamus is more properly rendered "that we may hunger for", used here, as it is, with pasti, and so also in 1973 above (the current translation) and in:

    Having feasted on heaven’s delights,
    we pray, O Lord,
    that we may always hunger
    for the food by which we truly live.
    Through Christ our Lord.

    as well as 1998:
    Having feasted with delight at your heavenly table,
    we beg you, Lord,
    that we may always hunger for that food
    by which we truly live.
    Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  4. Yikes! Every time you look at 1998, it becomes clearer and clearer why it had to be rejected. "Feasted with delight" at a "heavenly table"?! The howlers just keep on coming. Thanks for posting that, anon.

  5. Yikes! Mark! Why bother asking Jeffrey to post the Latin, when you just can't bring yourself to face the defects of the 2010 Vox Clara debacle? "Heavenly delights", "feast with delight at your heavenly table". Got to admit, Mark, both versions at least found coelestibus and deliciis and pasti.

    Another thing that 1975 and 1998 and 2008 got was an accurate translation of appetamus … But your heroes over at Vox Clara decided to go touchy-feely paraphrase on us and give us "long for" instead. And they threw in an ungrammatical purpose element "so" as a bonus. Nice job, huh?

    Each time you look at 2010, it becomes clearer why it has to be critiqued at some point by people who know both Latin and English. Put down the Kool-Aid, Mark, and pick up your red pen. But it amusing to follow you from blog to blog watching you give 2010 the old college cheer! Bravo!

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