Magnificat to Puiblish Missal

Everyone’s favorite quarterly liturgical publication, Magnificat, is announcing that it too is publishing a Roman Missal in addition to a Missal companion. Here is an announcement sheet but there are no picture, prices, or details yet. I wonder why some of the publishers did not have promotional material ready in time for the February 1 date when they were permitted to start taking advanced orders?

3 Replies to “Magnificat to Puiblish Missal”

  1. Good news. They are at the forefront of the disposable missal providers. By a light year. A paperback resource I don't like to throw away–amazing.

    "I wonder why some of the publishers did not have promotional material ready in time …"

    Could be that some are hoping to avoid certain embarrassments like titling one promotional piece after a reference that disappeared in 2010.

    I already know what I'm looking for from liturgical publishers: the basic text of the Ordo Missae only. Something that may fit as an insert in our current 600 hymnals.

    We'll need the new Sacramentary, of course. But it doesn't take ten months to deliver it.

    Otherwise I've already sold the goods to the parish liturgy commission. I don't have any doubt I can do the same with the people in the pew.

  2. I wonder if someone has realized that more publishers are needed to get the missals (formerly and improperly called “sacramentaries”) onto all the altars before Advent. If I recall correctly, the date for implementation of the last lectionary update came and went before we ever got our set. This is not an American publisher, so I also wonder if it will be the American edition.

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