Current and Forthcoming: Laetare



Father of peace,
we are joyful in your Word,
your Son Jesus Christ,
who reconciles us to you.
Let us hasten toward Easter
with the eagerness of faith and love.


O God, who through your Word
reconcile the human race to yourself in a wonderful way,
grant, we pray,
that with prompt devotion and eager faith
the Christian people may hasten
toward the solemn celebrations to come.



Father, you enlighten all who come into the world.
Fill our hearts with the light of your gospel,
that our thoughts may please you,
and our love be sincere.


O God, who enlighten everyone who comes into this world,
illuminate our hearts, we pray,
with the splendor of your grace,
that we may always ponder
what is worthy and pleasing to your majesty
and love you in all sincerity.

4 Replies to “Current and Forthcoming: Laetare”

  1. Looking at the Latin, I see that forms of the verb "valeo" (be strong, have strength) were omitted in both these translations. The Collect is not "grant that the Christian people may hasten," it is "grant that the Christian people may have strength to hasten." In the Prayer After Communion, it is not "that we may always ponder what is worthy … and love you," it is "that we may have strength to ponder what is worthy … and to love you," etc.

    I don't like this practice of pretending that the things the Latin is *actually* praying for — that we may merit (see my comments last week) something, that we may be strong in doing something — don't exist, and just praying for the "something" itself.

  2. Well said, Mark, and they've done the same with "voluisti" in places where that important word regarding God's work shows up.

    For instance, Preface VIII of Sundays in Ordinary Time says, "you willed to gather into unity," but the Vox Clara Missal drops the voluisiti (which 2008 at least rendered as "you chose") and says simply "you gathered."

    This is exactly what the old ICEL did on a regular basis, and what LA specifically directed should NOT be done!

  3. We report. You decide.

    Deus, qui per Verbum tuum
    humáni géneris reconciliatiónem mirabíliter operáris,
    praesta, quaesumus,
    ut pópulus christiánus prompta devotióne et álacri fide
    ad ventúra sollémnia váleat festináre.

    O God, who through your Word
    accomplished in a wonderful way
    the reconciliation of the human race,
    give the Christian people strength, we pray,
    to hasten with keen devotion and eager faith
    towards the solemn celebrations to come.

    Deus, qui illúminas omnem hóminem veniéntem in hunc mundum, illúmina, quaesumus, corda nostra grátiae tuae splendóre,
    ut digna ac plácita maiestáti tuae cogitáre semper,
    et te sincére dilígere valeámus.

    O God, who enlighten all who come into the world,
    enlighten our hearts, we pray,
    with the splendor of your grace,
    that we may always ponder
    what is worthy and pleasing to your majesty
    and offer you sincere love.

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