The Neume Song!

Here is the neume song, as developed by Matt Williams and posted on the MusicaSacra forum. It is really helpful because reading neumes requires (or at least is assisted by) and completely new vocabulary that can be extremely intimidating for beginnings. I know that it seem to take me years to be able to use all these terms as if they had real meaning. But once you learn them, rehearsal becomes much easier.

You will really enjoy listening to this. The director is pointing at the chalk board as they go through the song.

3 Replies to “The Neume Song!”

  1. Suh-weet!
    This is one of those Homer Simpson "Doh!" moments-"Why didn't I think of that?"
    Gonna use this with 3rd-thru 8th for sure.
    Well done, Mssr.Williams

  2. Of course I'm listening to it thinking it is a totally normal thing.

    Not so. I forget how far removed this vocabulary really is from everyday life. Great idea. And from the sound of laughter amid the singing, lots of fun for all.

    Yesterday I was chatting on the phone with someone I haven't spoken to in a long time. She made brief mention of her Requiem Mass schola, and how this happened and that happened…all seemed normal at the time.

    Can you imagine what that conversation must have sounded like to someone listening in?

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