6 Replies to “ICEL Chants in Neumes and Four-Line Staff”

  1. I think it would look better if the longa were hollow rather than solid and were repeated after the quarter bar, or if, as I would think is more customary for chant notation, the longa were dispensed with altogether and separate puncta were used for each syllable.

  2. I think dotted punctum would have been easier. At the quarter bar, do you hold the 'Son' at the beginning phrase of the Greeting?

  3. I hope the rest of the chants are not as boring as this one-it just drones on.

  4. "Anonymous said…
    I hope the rest of the chants are not as boring as this one-it just drones on.
    May 21, 2011 6:08 PM"

    I hereby declare this thesis to have formally initiated "The Reform of the Reform of the Reform."
    D'mno Carolo C

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