A mysterious stranger posting on the Musica Sacra Forum under the codename MHI offers his/her translation of the office hymn Auctor beate sæculi, for the Feast of the Day.
Like the office hymns in general, it is chock-full of theology, and the translation is really well done.
Auctor beate sæculi
O blessèd Founder of the world,
O Christ, who dost all things redeem,
art very God of very God,
and gleaming of the Father’s gleam.
Thy love it was that earth and sea
and stars with bounteous craft did make,
took pity when our fathers strayed,
and did our own confinements break.
Thy love it was did thee constrain
on thee to take the mortal clay,
the latter Adam, to restore
that which the former took away.
Let not that force of noble love
out of his proper seat depart,
and let the nations draw the grace
of pardon at that spring, thy Heart.
The which for this did suffer pangs,
for this also the bitter spear:
that us, who were in filthy state,
its flowing wave and blood might clear.
O Jesu, glory be to thee,
who from thy Heart thy grace dost pour,
to Holy Ghost and to thy Sire
for ages hence and evermore.