10 Replies to “Just because this is amazing”

  1. Thank you, Jeffrey — what a way to start off my day! And thank you for giving us inspiration and renewal of mission day after day through The Chant Cafe. Your work is truly a labour of love and one of great passion and commitment to God's Holy Church. Should anyone need yet one more amazing moment after hearing that, I would encourage you to take this in as well (the 'Osanna' from the same performance). Pax, Brian Aranowski

    How can I access your videos and audios? All I get is a blank , black square on the screen. i have internet access through a 3G dongle.

  3. This is Daniel Taylor, our Canadian counter tenor, and he is singing in his true voice. Look him up!

  4. Thanks for posting this Bach video! The 'Osanna' link is much appreciated as well.

  5. It takes me aback as well! I am curious, are counter tenors actually altered via castration either physical or chemical? I don't recall the exact definition. Thanks.

  6. This is probably TMI, but when I was younger and read Henry Pleasant's "The Great Singers," I didn't get how male altos were sex-symbols in the baroque era. It seemed to me the sound would be creepy.
    Thanks to singers like Andreas Scholl and this gentleman, I wonder no longer.
    What a thrilling sound, and what a musical rendition, heart-breaking and heart-swelling at once.

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