Guide to Ember and Rogation Days

As we celebrated the Ember Days for Lent, I started doing a little bit more research on Ember and Rogation Days, with a view to wondering how I might be able to explain to my faithful, especially my school kids, what these are all about.  As I continue my series of liturgical guides, I composed one for these all-too-forgotten days. Here is the link to my Dropbox with all of those guides, as well as the  Ember and Rogation Days Guide.  I know it is a bit late for these Ember Days, but keep it in your crime files for the future!

Remember this is meant to be an internal document just for our parish, and this guide basically rearranges lots of already available stuff from and Gueranger’s The Liturgical Year.  But if it is helpful to you, then do with it what you will!  Enjoy!

3 Replies to “Guide to Ember and Rogation Days”

  1. Father Smith, a convert to the Faith, shows us cradle Catholics, what to do. Thank you Father Smith.

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