First audio from the Colloquium: Tuesday, July 2

Here are some sample recordings from the Sacred Music Colloquium held in Philadelphia this month.

Tuesday, July 2

In the morning, Sr. Maria Kiely, OSB, an instructor in Greek at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, presented a talk on the six vesper hymns long associated with the name of St. Gregory the Great: Lucis creator optime, Immensae caeli conditor, Telluris ingens conditor, Caeli Deus sanctissime, Magnae Deus potentiae, and Plasmator hominis Deus. The themes of the six hymns reflect the unfolding of creation in the six days of the Genesis account. (approx. 60 min.)

Tuesday afternoon, after the first rehearsals of the various choirs that formed for the week, a votive Mass of the Holy Angels was celebrated in English. Here are a few excerpts (please note that these are my amateur recordings, so there is incidental noise):

Procession (improvisation by Michael Olbash, organ):

Introit (plainchant by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB):

Responsorial Psalm (George Elvey, arr. Mahrt):

Communion (plainchant by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB):

Motet (Richard Farrant: “Call to Remembrance”):

Motet (Richard Terry: “Richard de Castre’s prayer to Jesus”):

Postlude (Bach: “Fantasia in G”, BWV 572)

Repertoire for the Colloquium Masses