On the third day of the CMAA Sacred Music Colloquium, Fr. James Richardson offered Mass in the Ordinary Form on the feast of St Thomas the Apostle, at the Cathedral Basilica of Ss Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. The Latin propers were sung with Gregorian Mass IV; among the the motets sung were Quia vidisti me, Thoma by Hassler, Mitte manum by Isaac and O salutaris hostia by Anerio. Organist Michael Garrepy performed works by Mendelssohn and Bach. Photos by Charles Cole are on-line at New Liturgical Movement, and here are audio excerpts:
1. Prelude: Mendelssohn: Op. 37, Nr. 2 (partial recording)
2. Processional
3. Introit: Mihi autem
4. Kyrie, Mass IV (Cunctipotens genitor Deus)
5. Gloria IV
6. Gradual: Nimis honorati sunt
7. Alleluia: Gaudete justi
8. Credo III
9. Offertory: In omnem terram
10. Hassler: Quia vidisti me
11. Sanctus IV
12. Pater noster
13. Agnus Dei IV
14. Communio: Isaac: Mitte manum tuam
15. Anerio: O salutaris hostia
16. Bach: Kyrie (Gott Heiliger Geist), BWV 671