The cross and the new evangelization

Dear brothers and sisters: the Letter to the Hebrews tells us that God the Father considered it fitting to make Christ, our leader in the work of salvation, ” perfect through suffering” (Hebr. 2, 10). In a similar way, he led the Apostles Simon and Jude through the suffering of martyrdom to perfection in eternity. In every age of the Church, God makes his chosen ones “perfect through suffering”, bringing them to the fullness of life and happiness by giving them on earth a share in the Cross of Christ.

It is easy to understand that God’s plan for us passes along the way of the holy Cross, because it was so for Jesus and His apostles. Brothers and sisters: never be surprised to find yourselves passing under the shadow of the Cross. Christian life finds its whole meaning in love, but love does not exist for us without effortdiscipline and sacrifice in every aspect of our life. We are willing to give in proportion as we love, and when love is perfect the sacrifice is complete. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, and the Son so loved us that he gave his life for our salvation.

On this day when Catholics around the world celebrate the Triumph of the Cross, the Church invites us to look once again at the meaning of our Christian discipleship, to understand the sacrifices it involves, and place all our hope in our crucified and Risen Saviour.

O triumphant Cross of Christ,
inspire us to continue the task of evangelization!
O glorious Cross of Christ,
strengthen us to proclaim
and live the Gospel of salvation!
O victorious Cross of Christ,
our only hope,
lead us to the joy and peace
of the Resurrection and eternal life!


-Pope St. John Paul, Sept. 14, 1987