Br. Athanasius Murphy, OP, who is helping initiate this seasonal celebration, commented on the event: “This is one attempt to help Christians participate in the Church’s celebration of the Lord’s coming at a local level. We hope the night helps to prepare those coming for their celebration of Christmas.”
The setting of the Advent Stations will be in a dark church with many candles near the sanctuary. Readings and short preaching will alternate with hymns, chant, and polyphony music traditional to the Advent season. The night will conclude with a candlelit procession to a Marian altar in the church to venerate a piece of the original manger of Christ’s nativity in Bethlehem.
With wax candles all burning
For types and figures of Christ
Worth their lessons in learning
Come to St. Dominic’s
On the thirteenth of December
To hear songs and short readings
That tie the Season together
Here is a sneak preview of one of the “O” antiphons that will be used: