This amount of chant would have been unfathomable at the same convention just a few years ago.
I had the pleasure of attending Fr. Anthony Ruff’s chant intensive. Father Ruff is, of course, very knowledgable in this area. He did a great job at the intensive of balancing the remedial and basic teachings of chant with the more advanced tidbits for those of us who already knew the basics. He also was a great advocate for the use of chant in the parish. I was glad to have attended his session.
The Mass included many of the chanted sections from the Roman Missal, including the Domine non sum dignus…
The really positive change was seen in the way morning prayer was celebrated. It included a tremendous amount of chant.
The CMAA, SEP and Richard Rice’s work was mentioned at countless workshops throughout the week. If only there were a booth at the convention where those books were being sold, I’m sure that those who were in those breakout sessions would have went and purchased them….
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