New Gloria from Jeffrey Ostrowski

One wonders: are we about to enter into a new Renaissance for Catholic composition? Now that the dust is starting to clear, and the vision of what is sacred is becoming ever more a part of the thinking of informed Catholics, perhaps we will see more and more of wonderful pieces like this.

Free Glory To God using the new ICEL translation (Roman Missal) from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.

Here is the free PDF, but please contribute to Watershed’s work.

5 Replies to “New Gloria from Jeffrey Ostrowski”

  1. Jeffrey,

    MANY THANKS for helping to let others know about this composition.

    You ask: "Are we about to enter into a new Renaissance for Catholic composition?"

    I'm not sure, but I can tell you this: I got FANTASTIC comments about this Gloria from … (drumroll) … Facebook! Who would ever have thought? "Brave new world," eh?

    (I'm not a Facebook fan: but I don't think I have a choice anymore …)

  2. But Jeff, did you submit the setting to the US Bishops' Conference Approval Process before publishing it? What's that you say? There isn't one? Someone tell the Bishops of England & Wales, please.

  3. Absolutely beautiful. i just want to listen to it over and over and over…thank you so much.

  4. As I wrote to a friend who asked me my reaction:

    "It's a smooth, naturally flowing, interesting melody, well suited to the voice, and accompanied by a rich sort of contemporary harmony on the organ – yet it achieves a sense of continuity with the historical treasure of Church music.

    I especially like how the melody ascends to its peaks at references to "adore", "heavenly King," "only begotten Son," "Father", "sins of the world," — so it subtly reinforces key theological content."

    Very well done!

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