Tu solus qui facis mirabilia

Here is a stunning motet by Josquin that our own schola will sing at Mass tomorrow morning. It is on CPDL if you are curious.

4 Replies to “Tu solus qui facis mirabilia”

  1. One of my favorite Josquin motets. I guess you don't have a liturgical problem with the "D'ung aultre amer" quote. I wonder how we would react if somebody wrote a motet quoting a modern pop song in the same context?

  2. This is beautiful. How does one learn more about this music? Where do you find it to buy?
    Thank you!

  3. Jeffrey, you have a good eye and raise an excellent point. I'm supposing here that Trent somehow legislated against this practice, if I recall correctly. Hence the case for the liberalization associated with the postconciliar period: Josquin lives again!

    (As for your second point, the music became sacred in the sacral context, just as vestments with patterns drawn from the secular world world. There is a difference between secularizing the sacred and sacralizing the secular, as W. Mahrt argued two issues ago in SM.).

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