Horst Buchholz to St. Louis Cathedral

Not wanting to be a leaker, the Cafe did not report this several days ago but because the news is getting out, here it is: Horst Buchholz, vice president of the CMAA, is the new director of music at the St. Louis Cathedral.

There aren’t enough good things to say about him as a man and as a musician. The Graduale Romanum is utterly transparent to him and he can probably sing sizable portions of it by memory. But he is just as comfortable with a Schubert Mass, a 15th century motet, or a Mahler symphony; in fact, he seems to assume total ownership over any score that is it front of him. I’ve never known a musician who seems to go about his craft so effortlessly, and he is the same in rehearsal: funny, thorough, and super efficient in the sense that he can draw out of the choir as much as possible in the time allotted. He is perfect for a position like this. He is also a very principled person who stands for quality and excellence in every area of his professional life. And for a person of such extraordinary training and accomplishment, he is so approachable and humble as well.

This is a great match. And it is yet another Cathedral to come under the wise guidance of a great all-round musician. As one person said when hearing the news: “these are halcyon days for Catholic music.” In find that judgment exaggerated but it sure is nice to hear.

8 Replies to “Horst Buchholz to St. Louis Cathedral”

  1. I cant think of a better person to follow the excellent work romeri has done in making this cathedral one of the best musically in the us.
    Horst is a great man, a mensch, and musical giant. a 10 minute imprompteau choral direction lesson at the last colloquiem (and I have a masters in choir directing) was one of the most thrilling and terrifying moments of my life.

  2. It's a wonderful appointment. Imagine: a director with competence in the sacred treasury of CATHOLIC music. A great day for the Catholics of St. Louis

  3. WHAT!? Cleveland is losing HORST!?
    I'm happy for him, and for Catholicism, and to see him not be in the employ of the Episcopalians. The Mass music programs online suggest that there's some room for improvement, and I wish him smooth sailing in that.

  4. I'm delighted to hear this news, but, unlike the Episcopalians, does the church of St. Louis expect to get him on the cheap? If so, he may just jump the Tiber in a sense and offer his services at. . . Christ Church cathedral downtown perhaps?

    Anglican churches generally have good choirs and excellent organists, particularly in their larger churches and cathedrals. They, like most Protestant churches, and sad to say unlike most Catholic churches, are prepared to pay good money to get it.

  5. Many congratulations to Mr. Buchholz for his new position. Denver made a seriously stupid choice in driving away such a wonderful musician and in doing so should be the ridicule of the Catholic music community. I've heard Mr. Buchholz replacement who took over the music at the basilica and he's an awful musician. The last time I was there I was almost driven out by the crooning and moaning coming from the choir loft. Bravo again to Mr. Buchholz. Signed, a once basilica parishioner.

  6. Delighted to see such a wonderful and capable colleague head off to such a prestigious position.

    As to the Anonymous posters on this site, while I respect deeply your opinions and passion I must comment on the lack of, failing a better term, "balls" in failing to add your name to your pointed, bitter comments.

    Adam Patrick Spencer

  7. "As to the Anonymous posters on this site, while I respect deeply your opinions and passion I must comment on the lack of, failing a better term, "balls" in failing to add your name to your pointed, bitter comments. "

    Thank you for saying that. I am that "awful musician" that the anonymous poster had talked about. I love how people think they know about what happened and what really happened. Gossip is a problem.

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