This is hard to do!

Congratulations to Jeffrey Ostrowski who sang this entire Graduale alone for this video and did an amazing job at it. Doing something like this is exceedingly difficult. I’ve variously attempted even short communion chants and never been happy with the results of the recording.

Benedictus Dominus is sung at the Baptism of Our Lord, ordinary form. Yes, you read that right. Check the Gregorian Missal if you don’t believe me.

Benedictus Gradual from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.

3 Replies to “This is hard to do!”

  1. Wow, this is truly humbling. Hearing myself attempt this piece, I will never again criticize anyone brave enough to put a microphone in front of his face. I find Gregorian chant very difficult to sing solo, as every single flaw is magnified.

    By the way, this Gradual is assigned to the 1st Sunday after Epiphany in the EF (which, I believe, since 1921, is always replaced by the Feast of the Holy Family). It is page 64 in the 1961 Graduale.

  2. Well done, Jeffrey! I have sung this a number of times myself, and it is indeed very difficult (if not well nigh impossible) to do solo. I'm convinced it was intended to be sung by a small schola on account of the vocal range and long phrases. I could be wrong, but I believe this same melodic formula is used in several Graduals throughout the liturgical year.

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