Simplified Graduals, Alleluias, and Tracts

In 1926, Solesmes assisted in the production of Chants Abreges, a book of simplified versions of Psalms and Alleluias plus Tracts for Lent (ordinary form musicians have probably never even heard of the Tract).

Here is the PDF and here it is in print. People are now using these the world over, ever since the CMAA made them available.

The even more rare update to this book has been discovered and is now posted. It came out in 1955. Both volumes illustrate to me just how dedicated Solesmes really was to parish-based chant performance, consistent with real-world demands.

These are not ideal obviously, but the point was to provide materials that are suitable and get us pointed in the right direction. This is the goal. It should be the goal today, in my view.

Graduels Versets Alleluia Traits