The Chants of Advent

There is something about the chants of Advent that are particularly brilliant and inspired, something about them that brings a special joy. They are memorable and creative, and when they greet you every year at this time of the year, you have to feel a sense of delight.

The communion for this Sunday is yet another example of this. It is in mode 7, a major mode with surprises. It provides a beautiful melodic rendering of the text: strong and upright with a hint of expectation and wonder.

I’m especially pleased that this year, for the first time, we have the ability to embed both the chant and an outstanding audio, thanks to the work of Watershed and Jeffrey Ostrowski. I hope this presentation will inspire some scholas to try this out.

Dícite: pusillánimes, confortámini et nolíte timére: ecce, Deus noster véniet et salvábit nos.

Say: Ye fainthearted, take courage and fear not: behold our God will come, and will save us.

Advent – 3rd Sunday: Communio from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.

One Reply to “The Chants of Advent”

  1. Heh.

    Sounds to me as though that group uses a "designated Sibilist" who sounds the 's' at the very end of the chant.

    Same technique used, years ago, by the Whiffenpoof Singers.

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