What is the Best Second Mass Ordinary to Try?

Here is a letter that echos a question I often receive:

Let me begin by indicating how much I enjoy the Chant Café site. Thank you. The small collegiate Chapel where I attend Sunday Mass has a tradition, if that word is applicable to a practice that has only existed for a year, of singing the Mass Ordinary, with the exception of the Credo, congregationally to Gregorian chant. Currently we use: Kyrie xvi, Gloria in excelsis viii, Sanctus xviii, Agnus Dei xviii.

The director of the Chapel music is interested in learning a different set of chants, perhaps from a single one of the numbered settings. The plan is to sing the new chants until the beginning of Lent. Based on your experience, would you mind recommending a setting of the Ordinary for us to learn, one that would be a good second step on the road to a general familiarity with the Gregorian Ordinary repertoire? One that you feel is especially rewarding. The congregation has the Parish Book of Chants at their seats.

My own suggestion would be to replace them one by one, starting with Sanctus XIII. Kyrie XI, Gloria XV, and then Agnus XVII. I know this is a bit of mix and match but these are the ones that strike me as the best for transitional purposes.

What do others think?

2 Replies to “What is the Best Second Mass Ordinary to Try?”

  1. All of VIII. Yes it's cliche, but everyone really ought to know it by heart. Then all of XI. Then at least Credo I if not also III. Once your Schola/congregation knows VIII, XI, and Credo I & III, you've reached a good baseline repertoire.

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