Roma locuta est points out that many parishes (a search) print canned snippets on the meaning of the Gospel of the week. The snippet today includes the claim, made by one writer for a commercial publisher, that the Gospel instructs us to avoid “over-fussiness in worship.” Seems like a stretch from the Mary and Martha story to a case for sloppiness in rubrics and music. Pastors really should rethink this policy of just printing whatever comes in the mail. In any case, Roma responds to the claims of this week’s “lesson.”
One Reply to “Should We Avoid “Over-Fussiness ” in Worship?”
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If anything, the lesson is to avoid attention to those things that distract us from the centrality of Christ in worship, if the Gospel story is to be related to the liturgy at all!
There is a temptation of course to shape this Gospel to conform to one's particular agenda. Liberals would frame it as "Martha is concerned with rubrics; Mary is concerned with Christ". Traditionalists would say that Mary is concerned with the centrality of Christ, Martha with the centrality of self.
I see nothing in this Gospel that would imply that Jesus' message was to advocate for simplicity and banality in worship.