Colloquium Day 6: Ite ad Joseph

The message above the altar was plain enough:

and so the faithful did “go to Joseph”, returning to his shrine in St. Louis for the final Mass of CMAA’s 26th Sacred Music Colloquium.

The Holy Mass was celebrated according to the 1962 Missal, for the feast (3rd cl.) of St. William, abbot

Organist: Jonathan Ryan
Mass ordinary: “Sparrow” Mass, Mozart (with orchestra)

Introit: Os justi (women’s schola, Cole)
Kyrie: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Gloria: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Gradual: Domine, prævenisti (men’s schola, Brouwers)
Alleluia: Justus ut palma (chant improvisation, Mahrt)
Offertory: Desiderium animæ (women’s faculty master choir, Carr-Wilson)
Offertory motet: O bone Jesu, Ingegneri (beginning polyphony, Hughes)
Sanctus: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Agnus Dei: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Communion: Fidelis servus (fundamentals, Ryan)
Communion motet: O sacrum convivium, La Rocca (motet choir, Cole)

A moment from the homily by our chaplain, Rev. Robert Pasley, KCHS.
(Photo credits: Rene Zajner)

As is our custom at the final Mass, the full complement of attendees joined in a motet under the direction of Dr. Buchholz: this time, the Ave Maria of Bruckner.

We’ll look forward to hearing some recordings and seeing additional photos from the Colloquium Masses and presentations over the next few days as they become available on the net.  I’ll post links here on Chant Café.

Next year the 27th Sacred Music Colloquium will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota, at the University of St. Thomas, June 19-24.