Will I Sound Like This After the Chant Intensive?

Will you be able to sing medieval organum as well as Brigitte Lesne and the French women’s Ensemble Descantus?  The short answer is “No.”

HOWEVER, you will understand the roots of Western sacred music by having the thorough knowledge of Gregorian chant that the CMAA Chant Intensive will give you.  You’ll understand notation, principles of rhythm, the relation between text and melody.  You will be able to look at a chant and give it a go.  And then you can explore the glories of organum with a solid foundation.

Why not register now?

In the meantime, here’s a wonderful Alleluia from Ensemble Descantus.  And no, they don’t look like the picture.  They’re quite chic and French.  You can find them on Facebook and see what they’re up to now.

2 Replies to “Will I Sound Like This After the Chant Intensive?”

  1. Interesting timing, MJB (Nice harp btw!).
    Just yesterday at both Schola and Ensemble Masses we concluded with Parce Domine, which after the second verse (in Latin) the tenors sang above the women/baritones' melody at the P4. We have never, ever done that before, and it was profoundly moving to me to be able to lead our people in that heritage.
    And, how can I not thank all those who taught me at the two Intensives I've attended for the abilities to teach, sing and conduct chant in a fitting manner?

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