What Monks Sing on Saturday Night

Primo dierum omnium
The first of all the days is here,
the day God made the world appear,
the day His rising made us free,
and vanquished death in victory.
Our sleepiness is put to flight,
so let us speedily alight
to watch and seek the night hours through
as Prophets from of old would do.
May God be list’ning as we stand,
and forward stretch his strong right hand,
that cleansed of stains, we may arise
enthroned by Christ among the skies.
So that the Lord in kindness may,
in this most sacred time of day,
the favors of the blessed bring
to those who through the silence sing.
All glory to the Father be
and to His Son eternally,
whom with the Spirit we adore
forever and forevermore.   

The Gregorian tune and a literal translation may be found here.