Laetare Vespers, Schola Cantorum of St. Matthew’s

On Sun., April 3, 2011, 4:00pm, the Schola Cantorum of St. Matthew’s Cathedral presents the Office of Vespersfor Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The Office will be sung entirely in Latin, in Gregorian chant enhanced with renaissance motets of Tomàs Luis de Victoria and Heinrich Schütz and a setting of Deus, Qui Illuminas –  the Prayer after Communion for Laetare Sunday – by Spanish composer Julio Domínguez. The liturgy will be presented according to the Roman Liturgia Horarum, complete with the censing of the altar during the singing of the Magnificat. Texts and translations will be provided. The annual celebration of Gregorian Vespers is one of the most beloved musical events at the Cathedral each year.

Pointed Sarum Psalter, coming up

Someone at some point mentioned to me that we had no pointed Psalter available for download, so I must have ordered one with the intent to scan it. It arrived today. This wonderful little treasure from 1916 goes off to the scanner today and come back next week. Especially charming: no copyright notice (for who would dare ask the state to enforce exclusive ownership of the Psalms of David?).