Download Simple Propers for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
It has been my goal to be far ahead of the week-to-week by this point in the Simple Propers Project. There have been a few complications in the collaborative effort that is taking place which continues to hold back the progress, and for this I apologize. Over the next two weeks though you can expect to have the next stretch of Ordinary Time completed and posted, and we will begin working into Lent and Easter.
Bear in mind, though, that these still are considered rough drafts. I have made the decision now to proceed firmly producing these drafts which will be thoroughly reviewed after the entire year is complete. So you may sing a somewhat different version next year, when you will undoubtedly have the finished book in your hands. But in the mean time you can be assured that you can adequately prepare with the resources you need in the real-time situation that we’re battling against.
Please keep the project in your prayers. It really is a massive undertaking and all who are involved are learning a great deal in the process.