Easter Vespers from St. Michael Abbey

The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, CA, are streaming their Vespers today, Easter Sunday, and for the rest of the Easter Octave.

A Facebook “event” announcement is at

and the video is scheduled to appear live on the page of the charity “Aid to the Church in Need“, whose founder and whose current US director are both Norbertines: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchInNeed

The time of the Vespers on Easter Sunday will be 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time (6:30 p.m. Eastern). (See the event page for the other days.)

UPDATE: The first-time video was shaky, but it was good to hear the fully chanted Office, including falsobordone verses on the Magnificat.

The Great Vigil of Easter, from Houston

The Easter Vigil, celebrated at Our Lady of Walsingham Church in Houston by Bishop Steven Lopes. The church is the seat of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, the body in North America for Catholics of Anglican heritage. Their Mass follows the approved liturgical form for the Ordinariate, Divine Worship: The Missal, which preserves elements of Anglican patrimony in a Mass of the Roman rite.

A bulletin with the hymns and chants of the Mass is available on-line. The organist and choirmaster of the parish is Edmund Murray.