Here is one relatively new (c. 2005) hymn and two very old hymns with fresh translations, to round out your Christmas season.
Please feel free to use the translations freely this year. The Holy Family hymn may be used with the purchase of this collection.
A Solis Ortus Cardine
Christmastide Lauds
From east, where sunrise has its birth,
Across to western rims of earth,
Unto the Virgin-born they ring:
The Church’s songs to Christ, the King.
For He, the Lord of ages blest
Is in a servile body dressed,
That flesh by flesh might be set free
that what he made to be would be.
The Mother’s inmost hidden place
is virginally reached by grace.
Within her virgin womb there grows
a secret that nobody knows
This chaste heart’s home has suddenly
The Lord’s own temple come to be.
Unknown by man, and not undone,
a word made her conceive the Son.
The One the Blessed Mother bore,
Whom Gabriel made known before,
In Whom, when hearing Mary’s voice,
before he saw Him, John rejoiced,
He let Himself be laid in hay;
He willed the manger where he lay;
and He who keeps the birds replete
has just a little milk to eat.
The chorus of the stars and skies
and angels sing with joyful cries:
to shepherds is their Maker shown,
and as a Shepherd he is known.
O Jesus, Virgin-born, to You
be glory as is ever due
whom with the Father we adore
and Spirit blest forevermore.
Within the quiet of a home — Kathleen Pluth
1. Within the quiet of a home
Let no one but the angels come,
Or travelers in their distress,
Or friends in holy righteousness.
Let every fam’ly live in peace
And let the grace of God increase.
2. O Jesus, born on Christmas night,
The Son of Mary, heaven’s Light,
Give us the grace we need each day
To follow in Your Father’s way:
The heav’nly Father, quick to bless,
Whose ev’ry act is faithfulness.
3. Then Father, bless each family
With faith and hope and charity,
That we may find our perfect Good
Whose bed was only hay and wood.
Saint Joseph, help all families stay
With Him you sheltered Christmas day.
Copyright © 2005 CanticaNOVA Publications. Duplication restricted.
Meter: D Suggested tune: Sussex Carol, or others:
Angel’s Song Neumark (alt) Saint Petersburg
Melita Saint Catherine Stella
A Patre Unigenite
Baptism Vespers
The one-begotten, Father’s Son,
Who through the Virgin towards us run,
Who consecrate us with Your dew:
Your baptism has made us new.
From highest heaven You proceed.
To take our nature You agreed,
Redeeming all created things,
And joy of life in fullness springs.
We ask, Redeemer, grace bestow:
And let Yourself into us flow.
May our most inward hearts be bright
With Your clear deifying light.
O Lord, with us, your servants, stay,
And cast the dark of night away,
And every sin of ours erase,
And bless us with your healing grace.
O Christ, the Life, the Truth, to You
Be glory as is ever due,
Whose Father and blest Spirit show
Your splendor high to us below.