Gregorian Chant for the Domestic Church


Looking for a way to expand your family’s knowledge and comfort with singing Gregorian chant? Join Mary Ann Carr Wilson for an upcoming multi-week workshop. Don’t delay! The first session begins on Tuesday, November 17th.

Gregorian Chant for the Domestic Church

Weekly Tuesday evening Zoom class offered for families and households, with a focus on classic Advent and Christmas chants.

November 17- December 22, 2020,  5:30-6:30pm PST

$120 class fee per family/ household

To register, visit the website at

Sacred Treasures of Christmas


SACRED TREASURES OF CHRISTMAS is a new recording from the boys of the London Oratory Schola, directed by Charles Cole. The Schola is one of the top boys’ choirs in the world and sings at the London Oratory. The boys, aged 8-18, are all pupils at The London Oratory School.

The Choir’s Director, Charles Cole said: “We are delighted to present our newest album which we recorded earlier this year. ‘Sacred Treasures of Christmas’ focuses on some of the most iconic polyphonic works written for the Christmas liturgy. These motets, rendered so beautifully by the greatest masters of the Renaissance, capture the awe, mystery and effusive joy of the Nativity.”

Sacred Treasures of Christmas, a sequence of music for Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas, continues the ‘Sacred Treasures’ series, an anthology of sacred repertoire drawn from the liturgical motets which the boys sing at the London Oratory.

Charles Cole continued: “Through these recordings, the Schola seeks to bring to a wider audience the music which adorns the liturgies at the London Oratory. These motets have an important function within the liturgy and are not solely beautiful works of art to be appreciated in a removed context such as a museum or art gallery. Their sacred purpose, the way they are experienced by the boys who sing them, and the manner in which they are heard at the Oratory, are before all else within the liturgical context.”

The motets on the new album celebrate the Nativity itself, before moving on to the Feast of the Epiphany and the Adoration of the Magi, and concluding with the Purification of the Virgin. Amongst the composers represented are Victoria, Guerrero, Palestrina, Lassus, Clemens, Sheppard and Tallis.

Sacred Treasures of Christmas from London Oratory Schola on Vimeo.

For more information, visit Hyperion or the London Oratory Schola websites.


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Making a difference in the underworld

This November we have been given especially abundant opportunities to serve the most helpless of our brothers and sisters, who await their final redemption in Purgatory.

A plenary indulgence may be obtained any day this November for those who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead.  Normally only 8 days are allowed for fulfilling the requirements, from the Sunday before All Souls’ Day through the following Sunday. For this one year, the indulgence is available the entire month.

The usual conditions apply. However, this year, there is an additional convenience allowed due to the pandemic. Instead of physically visiting a cemetery, it is acceptable to simply mentally visit one. And for those who are homebound, praying at home with the intention of fulfilling the other obligations, such as Confession and Communion is sufficient.

Furthermore, the requirements can be fulfilled days of the month.

The decree can be found here.

It can be difficult to know how to serve others, with all of the troubles we see around us. This is one concrete way to engage ourselves in the graced act of healing, through the merits of Jesus Christ, by our prayers.


A Concert for St. John Paul II at His Alma Mater

As a newly-ordained priest, St. John Paul II  earned his first doctorate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, widely known as the Angelicum, after St. Thomas’ title of Angelic Doctor.

On their alumnus’ feast day this year, the Angelicum hosted a concert of Polish music written in his honor or inspired by his work, beginning with the Górecki Totus tuus.

The concert was held in the magnificent Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus on the Angelicum campus.

Today, the Angelicum along with the Thomistic Institute hosted a study day that included a number of interesting talks. English speakers may wish to advance to just after hour 5 to hear Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, speak on Political Questions during this time of pandemic.

For the Doctor of the Day

This is the feast day of the Lord’s true witness,
Lover of Jesus, leading others to Him,
Woman of wisdom, passionate and truthful,
Filled with God’s favor.

God gave her grace like water from the heavens.
She drank it deeply, even as she suffered;
Perfectly docile, saint and holy teacher:
Light for the ages.

Mantle around us, Mary, flow’r of Carmel,
Pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
That They may give us, with the great Teresa,
Life everlasting.