Wed Apr 15: Introduction to singing the Divine Office

While most of us are at home without access to attend Mass, there are some efforts underway to encourage people to take up the other daily liturgy of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. Saying or singing the Liturgy of the Hours lets everyone take part in the official daily prayer of the Church; it unites us in a practical way with the Church’s life of grace and unity, even more so than our personal devotions.

Professor Jenny Donelson of the seminary at Dunwoodie will be giving an on-line seminar on this subject Wednesday, April 15. Her presentation will include an introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours (also called the “Divine Office”), a lesson on reading square notation, and chanting the Divine Office. The program will end with singing Compline, the last service of the day, in Latin and English. This is a free event sponsored by the Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta and Sacred Heart Church in Calgary. The webinar runs from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Mountain time (9:00-10:30 Eastern). Registration is available at this page.

Palm Sunday in the Ukrainian Byzantine rite

The Holy Week services of the Byzantine rite are the glory of the church year: at times sober because of our sins, at times filled with confidence because our salvation is coming, and never far from the paradox of Christ our God dying for us. This Divine Liturgy was recorded in 2019 at St. Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church in Brampton, Ontario:

Prayer to My Guardian Angel

Dear Guardian Angel, go for me to the church, there kneel down at Mass for me.

At the Offertory, take me to God, and offer Him my service; what I am, what I have, offer as my gift.

At the Consecration, with your seraphic strength, adore my Saviour truly present, praying for those who have loved me, and for those who have offended me, and for those now deceased, that the Blood of Jesus may purify them all.

During Holy Communion, bring to me the Body and Blood of Jesus, uniting Him with me in spirit, so that my heart may become His dwelling place.  Plead with Him that through this sacrifice, all people throughout the world be saved.

When the Mass ends, bring home to me and to every home the Lord’s blessing.  Amen.

“To Thee our fathers cried…”

The Lenten responsory ‘Media vita’, sung by the Benedictine monks of Silverstream Priory, County Meath, Ireland:

In the midst of life we are in death; from whom shall we seek help, save Thee, O Lord? Who for our sins art justly angered. * Holy God, Holy mighty One, Moly merciful Saviour, do not hand us over to the bitterness of death.

(Verse 1): In Thee our fathers hoped; they hoped, and Thou hast liberated them. * Holy God…

(Verse 2): To Thee our fathers cried; they cried and were not confounded. * Holy God…

Gloria Patri…* Holy God…