Sneak Peak: Fourth Edition of GIA’s Worship

I give you the table of contents for Worship IV – the premier offering from the famed Catholic music publisher GIA. I’m trying hard not to criticize as much as point to a brighter future, but, even so, this table of contents deserves commentary.

I’ll limit myself to four points.

By way of review, consider first that Catholic music for Mass consists in the following: ordinary chants, proper chants, and dialogues, along with some seasonal sequences and procession chants. All Catholic music essential for Mass should fall into one of these categories. Everything else is either a) a substitute, or b) a supplement. With that in mind, let’s have a look.

First, look at the table of contents. The first thing is the best thing: the chants from the Roman Missal. Why are they called “ICEL chants” here? Why are they not called the “Missal chants.” Perhaps the publisher does not want to somehow privilege them by implying that they carry a more normative status than the alternatives to which GIA hold copyright? Noting them as ICEL chants strikes me as oddly off-putting, since not one in one thousand Catholics has any idea what ICEL is. This really must be changed, and it seems obvious to me that the USCCB or ICEL or someone should insist on it.

Second, there is not a single Mass proper in this book. That is a striking fact. The propers of the Mass are the very thing that links the development of Catholic music from the origin of the Missal itself all the way up to the present day. No matter what period of history you are looking at, you find sung propers. And yet they are missing completely, so far as I can tell.

Third, notice that the dialogues with the priest seem to be conflated with the ordinary chants, so that we are back to this habit over 40 years of singing little tuneful 7-second songs with Father, songs that are based on a theme established by the Gloria. It ends up as broadway-style banter between the celebrant and the cantor. It has never worked. This practice ought to be completely abandoned.

Fourth, note that the overwhelming bulk of this book consists of hymns. Hymns, hymns, hymns, hundreds of hymns bursting forth on page after page after page. Know this much about hymns: when you are singing hymns, you are not singing the Mass. You are singing someone else’s poetry to someone else’s tune. And yet it is perfectly obvious that GIA’s conception of music at Mass consists in hymns, hymns, hymns.

I’m going to stop there.

Current and Forthcoming: Laetare



Father of peace,
we are joyful in your Word,
your Son Jesus Christ,
who reconciles us to you.
Let us hasten toward Easter
with the eagerness of faith and love.


O God, who through your Word
reconcile the human race to yourself in a wonderful way,
grant, we pray,
that with prompt devotion and eager faith
the Christian people may hasten
toward the solemn celebrations to come.



Father, you enlighten all who come into the world.
Fill our hearts with the light of your gospel,
that our thoughts may please you,
and our love be sincere.


O God, who enlighten everyone who comes into this world,
illuminate our hearts, we pray,
with the splendor of your grace,
that we may always ponder
what is worthy and pleasing to your majesty
and love you in all sincerity.

Laetare Vespers, Schola Cantorum of St. Matthew’s

On Sun., April 3, 2011, 4:00pm, the Schola Cantorum of St. Matthew’s Cathedral presents the Office of Vespersfor Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The Office will be sung entirely in Latin, in Gregorian chant enhanced with renaissance motets of Tomàs Luis de Victoria and Heinrich Schütz and a setting of Deus, Qui Illuminas –  the Prayer after Communion for Laetare Sunday – by Spanish composer Julio Domínguez. The liturgy will be presented according to the Roman Liturgia Horarum, complete with the censing of the altar during the singing of the Magnificat. Texts and translations will be provided. The annual celebration of Gregorian Vespers is one of the most beloved musical events at the Cathedral each year.

Msgr. Wadsworth Lecture at the Liturgical Institute

Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth will be giving a “Hillenbrand Distinguished Lecture” at the Liturgical Institute on March 31st at 7:30PM which is free for all to attend. If you are in the Chicago area tomorrow evening it would be a wonderful event to attend.

From the LI website:

Join us for a stimulating lecture and discussion with Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth, Executive Director of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Free and open to the public. Please call 847.837.4542 for further details and to reserve a place.