Simple Propers: Booklet for the “Glory Be”

Here is a booklet that contains the “Glory be to the Father…” doxology in all eight modes for use with the Introit and Communion chants of the Simple English Propers Project.

We have decided to eliminate the reprinting of the Glory be text at the end of each Introit and instead will simply place the words “Glory be to the Father…” and the singer will be referred to the Glory be tones which will be found in the back of the book. This will save space and might also help demonstrate how the tones are to be sung, being that they are presented in full notation, much like the Gloria Patri tones in the back of our Graduale Romanum.

Please keep this on hand if you will be singing the Simple Propers from now on. Of course most will end up singing these from memory, but the sheet is here for your reference.

Note: Look for Simple Propers for the Second Sunday of Advent today, the rest of the Advent Season by the end of the week, and most of the Christmas Season by the end of next week.

The Grail Psalter’s Surprise Showing

Last February (it seems like years ago), InsideCatholic ran my article called Pay to Pray: The Church’s Simony Problem. Based on years of thought and research, I took aim at the practice of using civil law to maintain legal exclusivity to liturgical texts and charge for their use. It works like a tax for evangelization. The practice not only contradicts Christian experience and ethics, I argued; it might be classified as a form of simony.

A primary example concerns the secret dealings over the Revised Grail Psalter. Relatively few people have actually seen this book; it has not been published. But if it so happened to land in my hands and I posted it on this blog, I would be hearing from the GIA – the agent that manages international rights on this book – in about 20 minutes. If I didn’t take it down, I would hear from lawyers. If I didn’t respond after that, I would probably face a DMCA attack from the government. Regardless of the merits of the book, I find it deeply regrettable that the U.S. Bishops seemed to have embraced it for liturgical use.

I’ve written many articles on this entire topic, but I’ve dropped the topic recently because it would appear that the Grail will not be introduced for the Responsorial Psalm text in the Roman Rite anytime within the next decade.

Imagine my surprise when yesterday, composer Paul Innwood notes in a comment box that the Leaked Missal, or what is being called the Moroney Missal, seems to have relied on the Revised Grail for the re-rendering of the approved Missal proper texts submitted to Rome. To what extent we cannot know because we do not have a copy of the Revised Grail; it has not yet leaked. Thanks to other internet leaks, however, we do have a copy of the Gray Book submitted by the conferences and the leaked Missal, with its legendary 10,000 plus changes, from the CDW, and it is clear that the texts of the propers are very different. I had assumed that it was some committee doing what committees do, which is mostly make a mess of things, but perhaps there was a purpose for the changes after all.

In other words, the Revised Grail seems to have made an early appearance in the newly translated Missal, the one we will be using one year from now. What this implies about royalties, copyrights, permissions, or other dealings between interested parties is pure speculation at this point. But we can be sure that such speculations are going to be rampant in the coming weeks, and the search for more evidence will continue.

(Super Short) Primer on Music for the New Missal

The Propers: The priority for music at entrance, offertory, and communion are the propers of the Mass. The new Missal contains new translations of the propers. We still do not know what these will be. For years people supposed that they would be based on the Vulgate and those texts were stable since 2008. Suddenly, with the posting of a pirated version of the Missal, we discover that they might be based on the New Vulgate, which contradicts Liturgiam’s rules for translation. In any case, what is important for the choir is that none of this matters. You can sing any translation or you can use the Mass propers from the Roman Gradual, which are better in any case. There are many English editions already online and these will continue to be suitable. This site in cooperation with the CMAA is sponsoring a new set of simple propers and these will be ready in time. Most parishes should start with these. Final judgment here: The new Missal offers opportunities, not mandates.

The Dialogues: If your parish uses English, use the Missal versions of these chants. This pertains to all dialogues, including all Amens and the Mystery of Faith. I would strongly recommend against using any musical settings of the dialogues that come pre-packaged with “Mass settings.” There is no need for these to somehow match the ordinary of the Mass.This also goes for the Sprinkling Rite: Asperges outside of Easter and Vidi Aquam (or their English equivalent) in Paschal time. Can we please work to restore these traditional texts and melodies, and, at the very least, the distinction between the two chants? Final judgment here: sing what is in the Missal.

The Mass Ordinary:  Again, the Missal chants should be the first and foundational choice of any parish. Going beyond them should usually mean moving to Latin. If the parish is not ready for that, consider these English adaptions of chant. If you want to stick with mainstream publishers, I’m personally impressed with the solemnity of The Mass of Grace by Lisa Stafford from World Library Publications. There are other polyphonic ordinaries appearing in the month ahead, which should be very interesting. Final judgment: you can get by with the Missal but there are many opportunities for progress here.

The Psalms: These will not change. The Revised Grail has been approved but probably won’t be implemented for another decade. I strongly suggest that you use Chabanel. They will continue to be valid and beautiful.

The Sung Readings: Again, there are no changes to the text here. You can sing the readings using existing resources.

More Heaps of Praise on Willan

This morning, first Sunday of Advent, we once again pulled out Willan with great results. It was a glorious entrance. I’m coming to the point with this book of just trusting that whatever is in here is great music and works time and again.

As the conductor, I had tempo issues with this at first, but if you go through it enough times and let the text dictate the results, it ends up right. Obviously, ignoring the silly time signature, such as it is, is a must.

An investment in the future of responsorial psalms

When first I browsed through the Chabanel Psalm Project, I typically afforded it only the critic’s eye and ear. If I randomly listened to a setting by Arlene Oost-Zinner, Brian Michael Page or Jeffrey Ostrowski, that critic inside me simply measured value by wondering “Where are the hooks, or the melodic or harmonic nuances, or an over-all “style” that sets them apart from the standard?” The standard? Well, in most cases that would mean OCP’s “Respond and Acclaim” or WLP’s equivalent- the functional, durable vehicle that simply gets one from here to there. So, responsorials, to a veteran critic, are like a mid-size sedan. A Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Chevy Malibu, Hyundai Sonata- they’ll all get you to and fro reliably.
Over the course of a few years, having read and listened to the wisdom and passionate discussion of our mentors such as William Mahrt about responsorial psalms and graduals, having heard absolutely majestic interpretations of psalm versicles by Mary Ann Carr Wilson, Ostrowski, and newly minted teen age soloisti scholas at colloquia, et cetera, I’ve come to realize “reliable” does not serve either the Word or the Faithful the full measure of beauty and justice both deserve within our liturgies. Though I would never deride the venerable Owen Alstott for providing a serviceable body of psalm settings in R&A, settings such as “This is the day the Lord has made…” or “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew….” seem clearly to be too convenient, especially after decades of use. Make no mistake, many people, both lay and cleric, adhere to this ethos of convenience strongly and with good-hearted intent. But, with the significant turning point of a revised Roman Missal soon to be upon us in the U.S. (it is upon the Kiwi’s this very day, as Adam Bartlett celebrates) it is time to consider whether convenience should be the sole determinant when choosing psalm settings?

I’m going to dispose of one consideration up front: should a responsorial function equally well accompanied or a capella? Well, yes, obviously. But though either of the Alstott examples above can “succeed” without accompaniment, I wonder if their value is diminished by maintaining a strict rhythmic performance? I think yes, that was a built-in factor and intent. Were I to have the occasion to lead a capella Alstott settings, I’d likely enchant the melodies away from their noted value for declamation’s sake alone. In addition, there remains a mandate that calls musicians towards “chant” in the first place. So, do you “chantify” a song-like setting, or opt for a setting whose intent was centered within the chant ideal from the incept?

Let’s take a look and listen to Jeffrey Ostrowski’s setting of Psalm 24 for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, the promotion selection accompanying the debut of the printed volume Psalter: “Let the Lord enter; He is the King of Glory.”

There ought not be any contention over whether the melody, either in neumes or notes, is inspired by the principles of chant. This melody, to my eyes and ears, compliments the text in subtle and graceful movement- “Let the Lord enter…” rises as if the command were accompanied by the motion of a hand extended in invitation, with the slightest of repose at the “enter” with the upper neighbor tone on the first syllable descending a minor third. And even though whether one would argue that the melody (with accompaniment) employs a tonal center or not (I think not,) the F# mid-cadence does seem to function in a 7-1 manner that leads to and moves directly into the antecedent phrase “He is the King of Glory.” And the same note, F#, functioning as the third of the cadential D Major chord, is approached from below and is no longer transitory but stable.
Harmonically, Jeff Ostrowski uses self-described walking bass lines in the response, which isn’t uncommon in metrical settings, but he sketches the pedal lines in such a way as to keep the voice and ear anchored away from strict meter. And I love how he establishes cadential stability with a chord in first inversion in the accompaniment. No wonder Barber shoppers call that ending chord “the sweet chord.” He also doesn’t venture too far into choral ambiguity. He uses minor and major seventh chords with discretion, and as an integral coloration within the melodic and bass note foundations.
I also love how his verse settings allow the Psalmist to apply as much “bel canto” to the text as might be desired.

So, I’m going to invest much more personal interest in folding the Chabanel settings into our parish Masses here in Central California. We’ll use them in two specific Masses, the Vigil where Wendy and I cantor and accompany ourselves and the Sunday morning schola Mass, and we’ll hopefully enable those two congregations to experience more chanted opportunities other than portions of the ordinaries, and specific propers, sequences and hymns.