Chant Workshop, June 27-30

Two wonderful Dominican Fathers and musicians, Rev. Innocent Smith, OP and Rev. Vincent Ferrer Bagan, OP, are conducting a Chant Workshop this June in New York State.

—Instruction in singing, teaching, and directing Gregorian chant
 —Daily Sung Mass and Divine Office in the Main House Chapel
—Communal meals and accomodation in the beautiful Wethersfield House
—Full tuition scholarship for each student; $150.00 fee for Room and Board

Details and photos of the beautiful Wethersfield Estate, the Institute where the Workshop will be held, may be found here.

Both of the teaching friars were accomplished musicians before entering religious life, and have contributed greatly to the liturgical life of the Church and their Order through composition, musicianship, and editorial work. I am so pleased to see that they are now offering to share their expertise in this way!

For more information, please send an email to

Your Role in Promoting Our Musical Future

Preliminary design by Els Decker

Most of us agree that the training of future singers is of paramount importance for the continued revival of fine sacred music. The Ward Method is a proven system for developing young voices to sing with understanding and a beautiful tone.

Right now, the Church Music Association of America has commissioned a new songbook for use with the Ward Method. 
Any donations received by June 1, 2017 will be matched by a generous donor up to a total of $5,000. Every dollar you give will be doubled. No donation is too small. 
Why not head over to the CMAA website devoted to this project and learn more about “Now I Walk in Beauty”? And we hope you’ll be able to help. If you’ve already contributed, many thanks!

Hymn to St. Joseph

For those looking for a sturdy, manly hymn in honor of St. Joseph, Jeffrey Wisniewski and I would like to offer the following for any good purpose this year.

Mr. Wisniewski’s fine original tune and setting may be found here, or the text may be sung to ST. ANNE (O God, Our Help in Ages Past).

Some of the verses are specific to the original congregation, seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, and to the life of the priesthood.

Please feel free to sing as desired in your home schools and parishes.

Hymn to St. Joseph
Hymn text commissioned by Kenrick-Glennon Seminary on the occasion of the dedication of the renovated St. Joseph Chapel
O Holy Joseph, you restored
King David’s house and line,
O guardian of King David’s Lord:
The Son of God divine.
When years at last their course had run,
And Mary’s “yes” was said,
God chose you for His only Son,
And by an angel led.
Like Joseph from of old you learned
In dreams God’s will to see.
From Egypt’s land His Son returned,
Fulfilling prophecy.
O most chaste spouse! O husband pure!
Whose name the demons dread!
You kept the infant Church secure,
In God the Father’s stead.
Make us true men to serve the Lord,
Obedient till the end;
Like you to give our lives outpoured,
Our guardian and our friend.
Like you to work with patient skill
To glorify God’s name,
Like you to do the Father’s will,
And hide from worldly fame.
O blessed guardian of the Church,
Direct us all our days.
Teach us to preach to those who search,
And lead God’s people’s praise.
O patron of a happy death!
When life at length is through,
May He be close at our last breath,
Who was so near to you.
To Father, Son, and Spirit be
All glory evermore.
St. Joseph, through eternity,
May we with you adore!

Fifty-One Years After the Council: No 7 and Last in Our Series on Vatican II

When all is said and done, what are the major unresolved issues from the four major constitutions of Vatican II, and what are we as a Church facing now that stems from those issues?  In our last episode in this series on Vatican II, we explore all of this and more.    

We hope you have enjoyed all of these episodes and it has spurred on great dialogue and a desire to learn more!

“Cantate Domino”: an international declaration on sacred music

On Sunday, March 5, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Church’s Instruction on Music in the Liturgy Musicam sacram, over 200 musicians, pastors, and scholars published a declaration under the title “Cantate Domino canticum novum”.

The statement recalls the Second Vatican Council’s teaching which describes sacred music as “a treasure of inestimable value”, and it speaks of elements in common practice “that contribute to the present deplorable situation of sacred music and of the liturgy.”

We, the undersigned—musicians, pastors, teachers, scholars, and lovers of sacred music—humbly offer to the Catholic community around the world this statement, expressing our great love for the Church’s treasury of sacred music and our deep concerns about its current plight.

The statement calls on the Church to (1) reaffirm the musical heritage of the Roman rite: Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony; (2) give children an exposure to the beauty of true musical art; (3) promote the professional training of lay church musicians; (4) insist on high standards for music in cathedrals and basilicas; (5) encourage every parish to offer at least one fully sung Mass every Sunday; (6) provide musical training for the clergy, to enable them to sing their part of the liturgy; and (7) educate liturgists in the musical tradition of the Church.

These recommendations, along with a discussion of widespread failings in musical practice, are fleshed out in the full document, which is available here. Versions in five other languages and a list of the signatories can be reached through the coverage at our sister site New Liturgical Movement.

Pope Francis on Liturgical Music in Recent Decades:Sometimes a certain mediocrity, superficiality and banality have prevailed

…if we can call things of the past fifty years recent, which, on the scale of the Church’s existence, they are.

A conference,  entitled “Music and the Church: cult and culture fifty years after Musicam sacram” was
organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council for Culture.

“The encounter with modernity and the introduction of [vernacular] tongues into the Liturgy stirred up many problems: of musical languages, forms and genres….We need to promote proper musical education, especially for those who are preparing to become priests – in dialogue with the musical trends of our time, with the demands of the different cultural areas, and with an ecumenical attitude.”

(From his mouth to God’s ear, and the ears of bishops and rectors of seminaries.) 

A common topic of discussion in the most progressive* liturgical music circles is how greater emphasis on an “ecumenical” use of hymnody could have spared, at least those of us in the English-speaking world, from much ugliness and banality inflicted in the name of “getting the people to sing,” no?

(Side note: this is the first time I’ve ever read the phrase “liturgical animators” except as a quotation from older, past-their-sell-by-date sources.)

* I mean, of course, the authentically progressive.