Some current concerns

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to certain tensions in the Church at the moment, and my clearest impression is that people are not really hearing one another speak. It troubles me when this happens. The Church has divided in the past–really divided–along language and cultural lines. So with prayers for guidance to St. Maximus the Confessor, I thought I would mention a couple of things that the different “sides” are saying, perhaps in a more “American” way, in case it helps mutual understanding.

Of course I may well be misinterpreting everything myself, but here goes.

Pope Francis has expressed several concerns that I don’t feel have been heard.

  • Some people live in concrete situations in which it is nearly impossible to reconcile with the Church under current law. Consider, for example, the following scenario. A spouse, abandoned, for financial and other reasons, formed a common-law relationship with someone else. Children were born from the new relationship. There are compelling reasons, including economic and parenting reasons concerning the children, for them to stay together in the same household. The abandoned spouse now wishes to reconcile with the Church, but the other person does not, and moreover that person refuses to consider living as brother and sister.
  • These irregular situations disadvantage the poor and uneducated in a way they don’t the powerful and well-connected. There is such a thing as advantage and preferment in the Church, and there can be an inability of the poor to seek solutions to the same degree.
  • There is a spiritual principle that Jesus mentions a number of times in the Gospel and in different ways, having to do with pride and self-righteousness. It can happen that a person is unable or unwilling to admit to his or her own sinfulness, and seeks to stand on acceptably high moral ground by comparing him/herself to others. (Though this claim can sometimes be taken too far, by Girardians in particular, I would say), there can be a danger of scapegoating others precisely to avoid looking at one’s own sins. This is not my idea, nor the Holy Father’s, but the Lord’s.
On the other hand, the bewildered Catholics I know have other concerns that I feel are in danger of being brushed aside.
  • I know instances of heroism on the part of Catholics. I’d imagine everyone does. The man with homosexual inclinations who remains chaste and single, the permanently abandoned wife who avoids re-establishing a dating life, the busy and exhausted cleric who nonetheless meets multiple times with each engaged couple to ensure they are prepared for the Sacrament of Matrimony. There are spouses who have forgiven what seems like far too much without counting, and have struggled and persevered through to truly happy marriages. These silent and hidden lives of sacrifice are a kind of treasure in the Church, raising the whole like leaven.
  • There are saints who to English-speaking Catholics are dearly held models of civil disobedience under enormous pressure to conform. St. Thomas More’s excellence in every area is known and cherished, even in the secular world.
  • There has been a demographic shift in the generations since Vatican II, an odd reverse-generation-gap. Young people over the past 2 pontificates have been successfully challenged to live heroically. The flourishing religious orders attest to this maxim: demand more of young people, and they will respond. Those who were young adults in the 60s and 70s still seem to be playing a strategy that failed, of asking as little as possible of young people, who are naturally idealistic and generous–and hungry for community.
  • The Holy Father’s convictions have often been expressed in ways that belittle others.
  • The sinful character of re-marriages is Gospel truth, and a pontificate who would reverse the Church’s constant teaching and practice on the subject would seem to be acting in a way that contradicts both scripture and tradition. In a post-papal-resignation Church, this is a tinderbox. 
There is another, hidden actor in this dialogue. At least, I have not seen many references to it. It is not only desirable on the part of a pontiff but a solemn duty to do all he can to restore the Church to unity. Pope Benedict expressed this beautifully in his Inaugural Homily.

Here I want to add something: both the image of the shepherd and that of the fisherman issue an explicit call to unity. “I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must lead them too, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd” (Jn 10:16); these are the words of Jesus at the end of his discourse on the Good Shepherd. And the account of the 153 large fish ends with the joyful statement: “although there were so many, the net was not torn” (Jn 21:11). Alas, beloved Lord, with sorrow we must now acknowledge that it has been torn! But no – we must not be sad! Let us rejoice because of your promise, which does not disappoint, and let us do all we can to pursue the path towards the unity you have promised. Let us remember it in our prayer to the Lord, as we plead with him: yes, Lord, remember your promise. Grant that we may be one flock and one shepherd! Do not allow your net to be torn, help us to be servants of unity!

  • The worst rupture in Christianity is always very tantalizingly close to being healed. The Orthodox Churches are true Churches with valid priesthood and Eucharist. Not much is necessary to overcome our differences, one might think. There is little talk of forced conversions anymore, after all. The Filioque, some (not I) would say, is perfectly dispensible. The liturgical differences (which seem to me to be enormous) can be written off as diverse cultural expressions, some might say. But there is a great disparity in marriage law, on just this point of divorce and remarriage.
This Christmas, I will be asking that with prayer and respectful discussion in an open and above-board climate, without undue pressure and certainly without insult, our leaders might discern the way forward in a way that does not cause a further divide in the household of the Lord.

“What is a Hymn and What’s it For?

Missed this from early November, (hmm…. what is it that could have had me distracted? can’t remember,) by Father Dwight Longenecker, blogging at Patheos.
He is, because of his background, perhaps a little hymnocentric, but he makes some good points. (And he gets to the right place eventually, though not, perhaps, for the right reason.)

Since moving here ten years ago I’m still having some problems with music. Part of it is my problem. I spent fifteen years in the Anglican Church with the New English Hymnal–which is probably the finest hymnbook ever published in the English language. Musically and liturgically it was the best that traditional Anglicanism had to offer.
…My problem is that I am actually unfamiliar with most of the music in American Catholic Churches because I have lived abroad for so long.
However, what I do experience is not encouraging. Who on earth is writing these hymns, publishing these hymns and choosing to buy, prepare and perform these hymns? Doesn’t anybody know what a hymn is for?
Surely a hymn is first, and foremost part of our worship. That means the words are words that we use to address our praise, adoration and worship of God. So much of the stuff I come across isn’t that at all. Instead it is sentimental language in which God talks to us to reassure us, make us feel better and comfort or inspire us. So…”Be not afraid…for I am always with you…Come follow me.. etc” This may be a pleasant enough devotional song to remind us of God’s promises, and there may be times when it is appropriate to sing such songs, but Mass is not one of those times. We’re not really at Mass to sing God’s comforting words to ourselves. We’re there to worship Him….the Mass is meant to take us to the threshold of heaven; if it is meant to be a glimpse of glory and a participation in the worship of the spheres of heaven itself, why then the sentimental, sweet and comforting songs just won’t do. They wont’ do not because they are bad or untrue, but because they are not good and true enough. Worship that takes us to the threshold of glory needs to be, well…glorious….not all parishes can manage to have a grand organ, a paid organist and a fine choir. True, and that’s why the church recommends Gregorian Chant. 

People, Look East

A few days ago, Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Paterson, New Jersey, offered an Advent-inspired

reflection on the biblical tradition of looking to the East for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fittingly enough, he mentions the liturgical tradition of prayer directed toward the East, whether geographical or symbolic, and reminds us of the purpose of that practice: it is to foster an other-worldly, God-centered focus which should characterize our participation at Mass, regardless of whether the priest speaks ad orientem or versus populum:

Whether celebrated with priest and people facing each other or with priest and people together facing the same direction, every Eucharist is Christ coming to meet us, gracing us with a share in his own divine life. Every Eucharist is a proleptic sharing in the feast of heaven. Therefore, in every celebration of the Eucharist, both priest and faithful should focus their attention not on each other, but on the Lord.

Read more….

Purgatory still exists in December

As December is upon us, we logically turn our attention toward Advent and Christmas planning. Nonetheless, the coming winter months also can be a time of many funerals.  Let us remember the beauty of the simple Requiem chants, as well as the many polyphonic settings.

There is an excellent article over at NCRegister on the recent St. John Cantius recording of Mozart’s Requiem, in the original “Süssmayr version”.  The article interviews Father Michael Magiera, FSSP who is the Tenor soloist for the CD. 

In the article, there is a beautiful and concise explanation of the value of Sacred Art–drawing our senses and souls to higher things.

As musicians and artists, it is our obligation to guide the faithful, as well as the non-churchgoing to higher things!

Perhaps a nice Christmas present for your musician friends?

Happy Advent (the CD is purple).

13 Reasons Even a Member of a Mega-Church Could Never Buy Into P & W

And most of his reasons for eschewing so-called ‘contemporary’ worship give evidence of its equal unsuitability to our Catholic worship, the superficiality, the manipulation, commercialism, over-emphasis on the performer…
Jonathan Aigner, a Methodist musicians, writes at “Ponder Anew” on the Evangelical “channel” at Patheos, (a site I mostly avoid because something about it provokes intense dyspepsia in my computer, so be warned)
The common Catholic variation on his number three objection seems even more egregious, ISTM:

I never joined because it comes from the wrong sources. The best of the church’s hymnody was written by pastors and theologians. It was crafted by poets and scholars. The result are texts of high quality. But the industry in its quest to be marketable only has room for marketable people who write marketable songs. It entrusts sacred storytelling to many with dubious credentials as artists, poets, or theologians.

Some of the most widely published, shilled and used “Catholic” songs, (they are often not really hymns,) are the work of, not dubiously credentialed theologians, but OTHER-credentialed theologians, people who cannot possible create texts which reflect our Catholic beliefs because they do not share our Catholic beliefs.
Some of these at least have the integrity not to claim to be Catholic, but nominally Catholic or not, some seem to me to seek to change Catholic teaching by inserting their own “sung theology” into our liturgies.

Anyway, interesting piece.
(The combox has an insight into the whys and wherefores of judging an appropriate volume for the, uh…. band.)