Conversion before preaching

I find the experience of hymn writing to have distinct “moments.” There is the initial moment of inspiration, and jotting that all down on paper, followed by the hard work of making a unified whole, followed by editing, and then an initial evaluation. And now that I’ve been doing this for a decade and a half, it is possible to evaluate at a longer distance.

This is one of the original texts I’m happiest about, although I see its flaws, particularly of rhyme. Perhaps it is too heavy-handed with alliteration. Still, it is compact and clear, and expresses something quite striking about our religion. Our foundational saints Peter and Paul were sinners before they were preachers. That is something to think about in the Year of Mercy. It was never about Peter and Paul with them, but always about Christ and His salvation, for themselves as well as for others. And their conversions were bound up with their martyrdoms (John 21:19, Acts 9:16).

Here it is sung to NEWMAN, usually associated with Praise to the Holiest in the Height, which is certainly an allusion that enriches the whole experience of singing the text. Mark Husey was the organist, at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Columbia, South Carolina.

The Son of Man has come to save
The lost and dark of mind.
All men and women bound in chains
In Him their freedom find.
In Him the blind shall come to see,
The deaf shall understand,
For Jesus guides the erring soul
With His redeeming hand.
So Peter learned to call Him Christ,
And Paul to call Him Lord;
So Peter died upon a cross,
And Paul beneath a sword.
And on their martyrs’ witness grows
The Church of endless days.
Its rock no more denies the Lord
Its foe now leads His praise.
The Son of Man has come to serve
To seek and save the lost.
Blest be the Lord whose saints reveal
The triumph of His Cross.

“Therefore now and for ages unending, with all the Angels, we proclaim your glory…..”

Reading “It’s Time for a Nobel Prize for Mothers….” via Facebook and wondered, is there a Facebook button for lovelovelovelovelove?
And this goes for Fathers as well.

Which then set me to thinking, one of the aspects of the CMAA Colloquium closest to my heart, an aspect which I lovelovelovelovelove, is that in the offering of worship to the Trinity mystically occurring in the company of the angels and saints, it is when this is accomplished with, and accompanied by great music, devoutly sung that I sense most strongly and surely the proximity of my late parents, and not only of them, of my beloved parents, but of all who have gone before us in Faith.
I feel such unity, feel something so beautifully, profoundly to be true that I cannot even speak of it, my voice fails me, I can only think it or type it.
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus!

Millions, billions, TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of voices….
And year after year at the Colloquium I have these experiences.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you, CMAA members, Cecilia, Anne, Dr Mahrt, Janet, Wilko, Scott, Jonathan, Kathy R, Kathy P, Bishop Conley, that soprano who stood next to me, you mosaic artists from decades ago, Episcopal Cathedral of St Louis, David, ChantCafe contributors, Eric at the desk, you people who kept the organization going during the lean years, Arlene and Msgr. Wadsworth and everyone else from other years WHOIREALLYMISS, Fr Keyes, I’mrunningoutofbandwidth….

English Motets for the Liturgical Year

An announcement from my colleague Heath Morber on our latest project:

I’m very excited to announce the follow-up to my first project (Bread from Heaven, available here) with the arrival of English Motets for the Church Year. I scoured two-and three-part excerpts from the Mass Ordinary settings of the Renaissance masters, and fit them with English texts from the liturgical seasons and various feast days. Each season/feast has a two and a three-part setting of a text relevant to the occasion (e.g. “Drop down dew from above” for Advent, “You are Peter” for Peter and Paul, etc.), and each motet has been transposed for various voicings. All in all, the collection has 40 motets in two voicings, and a bonus motet for weddings comes to 81 different settings!

In addition, I’ll have other transpositions and voicings (including SAB versions!) in a website that my colleague, Ben Yanke, has set up. I’ll be adding settings to that site regularly. The password for the site is in the hard copy of EMCY itself, so you’ll want to grab at least one book to take advantage of the full gamut of resources!

The book can be purchased at, paperback (Link) or coil-bound (Link). An extensive sample of the collection can be found here. Recordings are already rolling in; a couple examples are below to get a sense of the collection.

These can be done with as few as two or three skilled singers! I hope this will be a great resource for your parish community!

Buy Paperback | Buy Coil Bound
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Colloquium Day 6: Ite ad Joseph

The message above the altar was plain enough:

and so the faithful did “go to Joseph”, returning to his shrine in St. Louis for the final Mass of CMAA’s 26th Sacred Music Colloquium.

The Holy Mass was celebrated according to the 1962 Missal, for the feast (3rd cl.) of St. William, abbot

Organist: Jonathan Ryan
Mass ordinary: “Sparrow” Mass, Mozart (with orchestra)

Introit: Os justi (women’s schola, Cole)
Kyrie: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Gloria: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Gradual: Domine, prævenisti (men’s schola, Brouwers)
Alleluia: Justus ut palma (chant improvisation, Mahrt)
Offertory: Desiderium animæ (women’s faculty master choir, Carr-Wilson)
Offertory motet: O bone Jesu, Ingegneri (beginning polyphony, Hughes)
Sanctus: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Agnus Dei: Sparrow Mass (Mozart choir, Buchholz)
Communion: Fidelis servus (fundamentals, Ryan)
Communion motet: O sacrum convivium, La Rocca (motet choir, Cole)

A moment from the homily by our chaplain, Rev. Robert Pasley, KCHS.
(Photo credits: Rene Zajner)

As is our custom at the final Mass, the full complement of attendees joined in a motet under the direction of Dr. Buchholz: this time, the Ave Maria of Bruckner.

We’ll look forward to hearing some recordings and seeing additional photos from the Colloquium Masses and presentations over the next few days as they become available on the net.  I’ll post links here on Chant Café.

Next year the 27th Sacred Music Colloquium will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota, at the University of St. Thomas, June 19-24.

Colloquium Day 5: Mass at the Cathedral

The Sacred Music Colloquium ended Saturday morning with a Mass at the Shrine of St. Joseph, but we have a few more items to share from Friday.

That afternoon, Bishop Conley of Lincoln joined the Colloquium attendees at the magnificent Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis for Holy Mass, on the solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.

The bishop and concelebrants exchange the Pax.
(Photo credits: Rene Zajner)

Thanks to the Cathedral’s media apostolate, you can view archived video of the Mass at YouTube.  (Alas, the video resolution doesn’t do justice to the glorious interior of the Cathedral Basilica.)

After the Mass, the clergy and laymen who served Mass during the week came together for a photograph:

After a break for dinner, attendees returned to the Cathedral for an organ recital by Ben Blasingame:

A beautiful day!

Reminder: live video stream of Mass from the Cathedral in St. Louis

[UPDATE: The archived video is available at YouTube.]

A scheduling note: the Colloquium’s Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis will be streamed live on the internet, thanks to the Archdiocese of Saint Louis.  The Mass begins at 5:30 p.m. Central Time (6:30 p.m. Eastern), and the stream will be available at .

The music program for the liturgy follows, with the various choirs of colloquium participants indicated. The music repertoire book is available for download at the CMAA web site.

Friday, June 24, 5:30 p.m. (Central), Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis
Mass, ordinary form, Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Bishop James D. Conley (Lincoln, Nebraska), celebrant

Bishop Conley, at the plenary address
he gave Friday morning.

Horst Buchholz, organist

Organ prelude: Fantasia sopra Ut queant laxis, Johann Jakob Froberger
Introit: De ventre matris (women’s refresher chant class, Mary Ann Carr-Wilson)
Kyrie: Missa Papæ Marcelli, Palestrina (Wilko Brouwers conducting)
Gloria: Missa Papæ Marcelli
Gradual: Priusquam te (chant improvisation class, William Mahrt)
Alleluia: Tu puer (women’s chant schola, Charles Cole)
Credo III (tutti) with Et incarnatus est from Missa Papæ Marcelli
Offertory: Justus ut palma (men’s faculty master choir, David Hughes)
Offertory motet: Iustorum animæ, Stanford (motet choir, Charles Cole)
Sanctus: Missa Papæ Marcelli
Memorial acclamation: Mortem tuam (tutti)
Pater noster (tutti)
Agnus Dei: Missa Papæ Marcelli
Communion: Tu puer (chant fundamentals class, Jonathan Ryan)
Communion motet: Iesu dulcis memoria, Victoria (motet choir, Charles Cole)
Organ postlude: Improvisation on Ut queant laxis

Colloquium Day 4: Requiem

The Sacred Music Colloquium continued Thursday with rehearsals, breakout sessions, and an annual favorite, a sight-reading session for new compositions, led by the genial David Hughes.

Participants returned to the Shrine of St. Joseph for the annual Requiem Mass offered for the repose of departed members of the CMAA. For many Colloquium participants, it was the first time they had an opportunity to experience this rite of the Church in its classic form, with the chants of the Mass for the Dead and traditional practices such as the singing of the sequence Dies irae and the use of a catafalque to represent the departed for whom the Mass is offered.  Here are the assembled participants after the Mass.